We look for many qualities in the individuals we hire -- the ability to communicate effectively, a high level of organization, strong interpersonal skills, and a genuine interest in the success of our valued clients.
Regardless of an applicant's qualifications, we always look for one attribute in particular -- the desire to provide high quality products with excellent customer service. We can train people how to work with clients or run pieces of equipment, but to have passion for customer service and pride for your work takes a unique individual.
If these are qualities you possess, we're sure you'll find a rewarding career with us. We supply our team with the latest technology, afford them the best training available, and provide every opportunity for growth within our company.
We are always looking for experienced team members who have been in the print industry, especially those who have worked at a Minuteman Press location previously. If you are interested in relocating to beautiful Portland, Oregon, we want to hear from you!
Current Openings Available
Thank you for expressing interest in a career with us. We are always looking for individuals in Customer Service, Estimating, Graphic Design, Bindery, Prepress, and Press Production. Please email your resume to: walter@mmpteam.com. (Please, email only, no phone calls.)
Customer Service with previous Print ExperienceSeeking qualified and experienced members within the Print industry for Customer Service. Please email your resume & salary requirements to employment@mmpteam.com.
Graphic Designers
We are seeking experienced Graphic Designers for print and sign production. We have part time and full time positions available. Independent Contractors are also encouraged to apply. Email your resume and salary requirements to employment@mmpteam.com.